Friday, September 2, 2011

Back to square one

I'm back to being a total fatty.  I'm back to only being 2 pounds below my original starting weight.  Why am I failing miserably at this losing weight thing.  I seriously just want to cry.
My husband and I recently moved and we were going through my underwear to pack things up.  We went through several pairs where he said "these are sexy, why don't you ever wear these?"  BECAUSE I'M A FREAKING FATTY AND THEY DON'T FIT ANYMORE, THAT'S WHY!!!!
Oh and on top of being a fatty, guess what I had for dinner......3 slices of pizza.  Yep, that certainly helps Miss Fatty McFatFat.  UGH!! I'm so frustrated right now.  Hardly any of my clothes fit.  For the cruise I just went on, I had to buy a bunch of sundresses to cover my fat.  Oh and then my husband and I met two other couples and those girls just so happened to be size 0.  Way to make me feel even more fat. I'm just really sad right now by my weight.  I'm going to post some reverse thinspo because that is how I feel right now!


  1. Don't give up! I had experienced the same issue after returning from my vacation. I felt like all the work I was doing to lose weight before that went to complete waste. I assure you, in a week you'll be back on track! Good luck!

  2. Don't beat yourself up! We all slide backwards sometimes, you'll get back on track!

  3. *sigh*.. I ttly know how yu feel,,... Thank God fr tomorrow and the chance to start over..

  4. Don't beat yourself up over it. We all have slips at times. x

  5. Don't get discouraged, we all have our minor blips. Just pick yourself up and get back on track :)

    I hate it when clothes don't fit.

  6. i feel exactly the same way. I only am willing to wear probably 1/10th of the clothes in my closet because everything else squeezing and accentuates the wrong areas.
    ugh.... good luck lady!! youll get there :)

  7. I once set my diet goals to 400cal a day and dropped to a size 000, i'm a size 0 now but when I see someone who lives happily at 160lbs, I am pure envious... and I feel completely disempowered by how much I care about weight while others live so much happier without caring :'( I guess everything have two perspectives. When we care, it means everything to us. When people don't care, they just focus on other aspects of life and fare farther socially :/
