Sunday, May 15, 2011

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

That's right, today was National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day (sorry if the picture causes cravings).  What a dumb day!  And of course I felt the need to celebrate.  So for my lunch, I chose a chocolate chip cookie.  It was considerably bigger than the one pictured above.  Why can't they have a National Celery Day or something a little more practical. 

Not only that, but tonight my church had a cook-out.  And of course, I had a hot dog AND potato chips.  This weekend was a total FAIL for me (food wise).  I am not looking forward to stepping on that scale in the morning.  I'll probably cry.  The only thing I did today that will probably keep me from gaining more weight than I would have, is the walking I did for my job.  I walked about 1.5-2 hours today.  I'm hoping that helps out a lot!


  1. Sadly, I also had a chocolate chip cookie today, unknowingly celebrating National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. :( Good job on walking today! I'm sure it'll burn off a bunch of the calories. :)

  2. I didn't know there was a National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. If i knew i would have probably celebrated(o´ェ`o)

    It's always difficult to stay away from food on weekends but don't worry, you walked for almost 2 hours so you must have burned lots of the calories.

  3. I had a cookie :) but it wasn't chocolate chip I can't stand those lol.

    Don't be to mad tomorrow is a new day and you can start fresh :P
